
Monday, April 11, 2011

Sterger ABC News: "I'm Not The Gold Diggers"

NEW YORK (AP)-Former New York Jets play the hostess, who claimed to have received pictures and phone inappropriate posts by Brett Favre (notes) says an interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos that he is not a "seeker gold "and don" t "done somersaults off the scandal.

"I have not made a penny from anything in this whole situation," Jenn Sterger said in the interview that will air on "Good Morning America" ​​on Tuesday and Wednesday, and "Nightline" Tuesday night. "No photos. No Favre. I never wanted to sue someone. It was never the intention of mine. I'm not a gold digger. The only way I wanted to make my money all this time was just having a job. "

In December, the NFL concluded its investigation Favre hit him $ 50,000 fine for failing to cooperate with the process. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said he could not conclude Favre policy violated the league's personal conduct on the basis of available evidence. Investigators trying to determine whether Favre sent inappropriate messages and images Sterger below the band in 2008 when both worked for the Jets.

"You know, I tried to go to work. To do my job," he told ABC Sterger. "But how to report the news when the news? It 'was hard. It' was embarrassing. It 'was humiliating. All I wanted to do was go to work. To do my job. That's all I wanted. "
Sterger said he does not know how Favre has a phone number.

"He approached me one day in the first preseason games, by a man wearing an employee badge insignia Jets, who asked:" How would you feel if Brett Favre has asked for her phone number? And you? "'Sterger said." And I looked, my usual smart self. And I said, "I say I love my job immensely. And they told me I look like her extraordinary woman '."

In January, Favre ended his career 20 years after two NFL seasons, and Minnesota.


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